Etil research group is an innovative research agency that believes companies and governments can optimally improve themselves, if they have continuous insight into trends and developments in society, their industry and their own organisation. Etil is always a sustainable partner. Etil continually collects, combines and interprets data at all levels, for both the public and private sector. Etil is independent, scientific, and offers possibilities for improvement with its thorough research and innovative solutions.


Etil has a rich history and was founded in 1932 as the Limburg Institute of Economic Technology by Professor Henri Gelissen – who would later become Minister of Economic Affairs - to combat the economic crisis, stimulate the economy and promote industrialization. From 1975 onwards, Etil manifested itself as a social economic planning institute for the Dutch province of Limburg, after which it became part of Maastricht University in 1999. In 2010 Etil became an independent research agency as part of the IBS group.

Prospect of improvement   

Understanding relevant trends is crucial for effective and sustainable decision-making. After all, the world is changing at a faster pace than ever before. (Local) governments and organisations face important decisions. The labour market, agriculture and food, education, government, real estate and healthcare: good, data-driven policy can only be developed when clear insights are available.

Developments on a global, European, national and regional level have consequences for the local environment: from districts, municipalities, and provinces to the (eu)region. For almost 90 years, Etil has been helping companies and governments with data-driven policy and decision-making at all levels.


Prospect of improvement is not an off-the-shelf product, but a product Etil continuously co-creates with the client. Etil develops the optimal solution based on the topics that are important to the client. Feedback on existing or new platforms is crucial for further product development. This requires communication between all levels within the organization, from decision-makers to analysts. To do so, Etil employs a cross-functional team of researchers, consultants, data scientists and developers, for sustainable results.

Our solutions

Our solutions often take the form of an online platform, consisting of data, visualisations and content. By  structuring and automating data to a high degree, users are always a mere click removed from the latest information. Etil invests heavily in design, usability and user interfaces, to ensure each platform is attractive to use. Our experts interpret the latest trends and developments in in-depth articles, so the most important insights are always at your disposal at a glance.

Have a look at OrganisatieInZicht, ArbeidsmarktInZicht or the LimburgAtlas, and let give us your feedback.

Etil research group is NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2017  certified (ISO); member of the union for policy research (Vereniging voor Beleidsonderzoek - VBO); member of the Center for Marketing Insights, Research and Analytics (Center voor Marketing Insights, Onderzoek en Analytics - MOA); data partner of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in our platforms regarding the labor market and partner of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen (BISS).