Staff monitor 2019 available now

13 July 2022

The Staff Monitor for Municipalities is the most important benchmark for HR key performance indicators in municipalities, and is organized by A&O Fonds Gemeenten. By means of the staff monitor, all municipalities move towards a shared language. This way, important KPI’s on absenteeism, external hiring and training & development can be better understood and compared across regions. The resulting benchmark can be used by municipalities for drafting local HRM policies.


Etil has been implementing the Staff Monitor for Municipalities since 2013. The project consists of an analysis of anonymized income data (obtained from the four largest salary processors Raet, Centric, ADP and Afas) and an annual questionnaire among all municipalities. The results are presented in a report and factsheet, and made available online through the HR Databank. In 2020, an interactive dashboard will also be developed, giving municipalities an even better view of their own situation compared to national trends.

See the factsheet See the report